Old Style Aloe Rid Shampoo Review


Detoxifying shampoos have become increasingly important for individuals seeking to rid their hair of substances like drugs and toxins. Among these, Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo stands out despite its higher cost compared to other options. Produced by Nexxus, a subsidiary of Unilever, this shampoo gained popularity for its claimed ability to detox heavy metals and toxins from the hair. Notably, it played a role in methods like The Macujo and Jerry G, designed to help users pass hair drug tests. The Jerry G Method, rooted in a real-life story, gained scientific support, while The Macujo Method, although lacking clarity in its origin, became associated with the use of this pricey shampoo.

However, Nexxus discontinued Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid, prompting users to scramble for remaining supplies, causing prices to soar. Some unscrupulous sellers even offered fake bottles, while Testclear.com claimed to reproduce the original formula. The scientific community remains uncertain about the key ingredient responsible for superior detoxification in this shampoo, with debates centering around propylene glycol and EDTA. The product’s discontinuation could be linked to the necessity of causing damage to the hair shaft for effective detoxification, raising questions about potential harm.

Delve deeper into the product’s capabilities by checking out the article at The Hair Archives

The article delves into the science behind using Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid for drug test detoxification, referencing studies like the one published in The International Journal of Legal Medicine in 2000. This study explored the effectiveness of Ultra Clean by Zydot in reducing drug residues, including a 36% reduction for THC. Another study in 1997 investigated the impact of cosmetic treatments like bleaching on detectable drug residues, supporting methods like the Jerry G Method. However, caution is advised with cosmetic treatments, as they can increase hair absorbency, potentially affecting drug detectability duration.

In essence, this introduction sets the stage for an in-depth exploration of Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo, its history, methods associated with it, and the scientific evidence supporting its use in detoxification efforts.

Product Description

Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo, renowned for its hair detoxification properties, was initially produced by Nexxus, a subsidiary of the well-known Unilever corporation. Nexxus, with a broad range of products, held a significant reputation in the market. Despite being less frequently purchased due to its high cost, this shampoo gained popularity for its ability to detox heavy metals and unhealthy toxins from the hair.

This detox shampoo boasts several key features that set it apart. It was a crucial component in methods like The Macujo and Jerry G, designed to aid users in passing hair drug tests. The Jerry G Method, with a verifiable story behind it, even garnered scientific backing. Discontinuation by Nexxus led to a surge in demand, with prices soaring as people searched online for remaining supplies. Some unscrupulous sellers offered fake bottles, and Testclear.com claimed to reproduce the original formula, maintaining a high price tag.

The unique selling points of Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid remain a topic of debate. Some attribute its superior detoxification to propylene glycol, while others claim it is EDTA, a metal chelator. The uncertainty lies in whether it is a specific ingredient or a combination of common shampoo ingredients used with associated methods that effectively detoxify hair from drug residues. Scientifically proven, the process involves causing damage to the hair shaft, possibly contributing to Nexxus discontinuing the product.

In the realm of detoxification science, users employ the Macujo Method and the Jerry G Method with Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid and Ultra Clean by Zydot. While studies like the one in The International Journal of Legal Medicine in 2000 show reductions in drug residues after washing with Ultra Clean, the effectiveness of these methods remains under scrutiny. Further studies on cosmetic treatments affirm the efficacy of certain methods, emphasizing the importance of caution in drug use close to test days.

Ingredients and Their Benefits

The effectiveness of Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo lies in its carefully selected ingredients, each serving a specific purpose in the detoxification process. A comprehensive list includes Aloe Vera, Propylene Glycol, Tetrasodium EDTA, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, and more.

Explanation of Each Ingredient’s Purpose**

1. Aloe Vera: Known for its soothing and moisturizing properties, Aloe Vera helps maintain the health of the hair and scalp.

2. Propylene Glycol: This ingredient plays a crucial role in penetrating the hair shaft, aiding in the removal of toxins and substances.

3. Tetrasodium EDTA: Functioning as a metal ion remover, Tetrasodium EDTA contributes to the detoxification process by eliminating heavy metals from the hair.

4. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate: Acting as a cleansing agent, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate ensures effective cleaning of the hair, removing impurities and residues.

The unique combination of these and other ingredients makes Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid stand out in the market of detox shampoos. While users and experts debate the specific ingredient responsible for superior detoxification, it is clear that these components, when used in conjunction with the prescribed methods, contribute to the shampoo’s ability to eliminate drug residues from the hair.

Understanding the role of each ingredient sheds light on the science behind the shampoo’s efficacy. Although Nexxus discontinued the product for reasons not entirely clear, the ongoing demand and high prices highlight the perceived value of Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid in the world of detoxification.

How to Use the Product

Using Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo effectively involves a step-by-step process to maximize its detoxification potential.

Step-by-Step Guide on Using Old Style Aloe Rid Shampoo:

1. Wet Your Hair: Begin by thoroughly wetting your hair. Ensure that it is completely soaked before applying the shampoo.

2. Apply A Generous Amount: Take a generous amount of Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo and apply it evenly to your hair. Focus on massaging it into the roots and scalp.

3. Massage Gently: Gently massage the shampoo into your hair and scalp. Pay attention to all areas, ensuring that the product reaches the entire length of your hair.

4. Leave it on for the Recommended Time: Follow the product’s instructions for the recommended duration to allow the ingredients to work effectively. This may vary, so refer to the packaging for specific guidance.

5. Rinse Thoroughly: After the recommended time, rinse your hair thoroughly. Make sure to remove all traces of the shampoo from your hair.

6. Repeat if Necessary: Depending on your specific needs or the intensity of the detoxification required, you may need to repeat the process. Follow the guidelines provided by the product.

Tips for Maximizing Effectiveness:

– Follow a Detoxification Method: Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid is often used in conjunction with detoxification methods like The Macujo and Jerry G. Familiarize yourself with these methods and follow them for optimal results.

– Avoid Contaminants: During the detox process, be mindful of avoiding contact with substances that may reintroduce toxins to your hair, such as drug residues or environmental pollutants.

Frequency of Use Recommendations:

– Regular Use: For individuals undergoing detoxification for drug tests, regular use of Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid is recommended in the days leading up to the test. The frequency may vary based on individual needs and the intensity of detoxification required.

– Preventive Maintenance: Even for individuals not facing an immediate need for detoxification, occasional use of the shampoo can serve as preventive maintenance, keeping the hair free from impurities.

By following these steps and tips, users can make the most of Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo, enhancing its effectiveness in the process of detoxifying the hair.

Pros and Cons

The effectiveness of Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo is reflected in customer feedback, highlighting both positive aspects and common concerns.

Positive Reviews and Testimonials:

Many users have lauded Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid for its effectiveness in aiding detoxification efforts. Positive aspects include:

– Detoxification Success: Numerous users claim success in passing hair drug tests after using this shampoo, particularly when following recommended detox methods like The Macujo and Jerry G.

– **Long-Lasting Reputation: The shampoo’s long-standing reputation and legendary history contribute to its perceived reliability among individuals seeking a potent detox solution.

– High Demand: The product’s high demand, even after discontinuation, suggests a strong belief in its efficacy among users navigating detox challenges.

Common Complaints and Drawbacks:

However, some users have raised concerns and reported drawbacks:

– High Cost: One common complaint revolves around the high cost of Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid. The price tag, coupled with its less frequent availability, can be a deterrent for potential users.

– Discontinuation Issues: The fact that Nexxus discontinued the product has led to challenges in obtaining it, prompting a surge in prices and making it susceptible to counterfeit products in the market.

– Uncertain Ingredient Superiority: There is ongoing debate among users regarding the specific ingredient responsible for the shampoo’s detoxification effectiveness. The lack of clarity on this aspect can lead to uncertainty among consumers.

In summary, customer feedback on Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo is mixed. Positive testimonials emphasize its historical success in aiding detox efforts, while common complaints center around cost, discontinuation issues, and uncertainties about key ingredients. Potential users should weigh these pros and cons to make informed decisions based on their specific needs and circumstances.


How often should I use Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo for effective detoxification?

The frequency of use depends on individual needs and the intensity of detoxification required. For individuals preparing for a drug test, regular use in the days leading up to the test is recommended. Occasional preventive use is also suggested for maintaining a detoxified state.

Are there specific detox methods that work well with Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo?

Yes, popular detox methods like The Macujo and Jerry G are commonly associated with the use of Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid. Users follow these methods to enhance the shampoo’s detoxification effectiveness, particularly when preparing for hair drug tests.

Can I use Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid as a regular shampoo for everyday use?

While Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid is primarily known for its detoxification properties, some individuals use it as a regular shampoo for preventive maintenance. However, its higher cost and specific focus on detox may make it less practical for everyday use.

What are the main positive aspects reported by users of Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid?

Users often highlight the shampoo’s effectiveness in aiding detoxification, especially in passing hair drug tests. Its long-standing reputation, legendary history, and high demand among users contribute to its positive image in the detoxification community.

Are there any common complaints or drawbacks associated with Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid?

Some common complaints include the high cost of the product, discontinuation by Nexxus leading to supply challenges and increased prices, and uncertainty regarding the specific ingredient responsible for superior detoxification. Users should consider these factors when evaluating the shampoo.


In conclusion, Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo has established itself as a prominent player in the realm of detoxification, particularly for those facing hair drug tests. Despite its higher cost and occasional supply challenges due to discontinuation, the shampoo’s legendary history and long-standing reputation underline its perceived effectiveness.

Summing up the key points, users have reported success in detoxifying their hair, especially when following popular methods like The Macujo and Jerry G. The unique combination of ingredients, including Aloe Vera, Propylene Glycol, Tetrasodium EDTA, and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, contributes to its detoxification capabilities.

The positive reviews and testimonials emphasize the product’s historical success and its continued high demand in the market. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge common concerns, such as the cost, discontinuation issues, and uncertainties about specific ingredient superiority.